- If you submitted your registration at a self-help terminal and paid the minimum fees, your registration may have been finalised immediately.
- If you registered via the web, post, SAPO or fax, you must receive a notification from Unisa that your registration has been approved.
Frequently asked questions
What must I do if I do not receive a registration confirmation from Unisa even though I have paid my fees and submitted my registration form?Send an e-mail to study-info@unisa.ac.za indicating that you have not received confirmation of your registration.
My registration has been approved – what now?
If you submitted your registration form and minimum registration fee by the closing date for registrations, Unisa will process your registration and send you a study pack by courier or post, depending on the choice you indicated on your registration form. This study pack will include the my Studies @ Unisa brochure. This brochure will provide you with important orientation and study information, and will help you to plan your studies.