First Year Subjects:
EUP1501 - End-User Computing (Practical)
Duration: Year module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 12
Co-Requisite: EUC131T
Purpose: To enable students to acquire and demonstrate proficiency in computer skills in Microsoft Office software, (e.g. MS Word, Excel and Outlook), knowledge of computer theory, security, internet, e-mail, and others, by undertaking various practical exams during the year at a UNISA Regional Centre, as well as a written exam at the end of the year.
FAC1501 - Introductory Financial Accounting
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 12
Purpose: To introduce students to the fundamental concepts and principles of financial accounting; the purpose and use of business documents; the recording of cash and credit transactions; bank reconciliation; inventory; trial balance; final accounts; adjustments and the elementary financial statements of a sole tracer.
MAR111Y - Marketing I
Duration: Year module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 30
Purpose: Introduction to marketing, product, pricing, distribution, wholesaling, basic principles of retailing, marketing communication.
PSS161Z - Personal Selling I
Duration: Year module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 30
Purpose: This subject deals with the role of sales in the marketing mix, the task of the salesperson, the purchasing process, methods to increase professionalism in sales, particular problems in the selling of consumer and industrial goods and services, sales office administration and negotiation skills.
AFL1501 - Understanding Language Usage: An African Cultural Perspective
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 12
Pre-Requisite: AFL1503 + AFL1504 or African Language passed at Matriculation Level as your Mother Tongue
Purpose: This module will be useful to students who want to develop competencies in interacting successfully in a multicultural society. These competencies include the ability to demonstrate their sensitivity to their own language usage and that of others and interact across cultures with knowledge and respect.
AFL1502 - African Language and Culture in Practice
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 12
Purpose: This module will be useful to students who want to develop competencies in interacting successfully in a multicultural society. These competencies include the ability to understand the significance of language and culture so that they can play a role in nurturing and safeguarding their own language and culture.
ENN1504 - Practising Workplace English
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 12
Purpose: To enable students to develop proficiency in English and a range of related communication skills and strategies for both public and private sector work environments. The central focus is on the ability to produce well written work-related documentation in English.
Second Year Subjects:
CLA1501 - Commercial Law 1a
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 12
Purpose: Section A: (a) The South African legal system; (b) Introduction to the theory of law. Section B: The law of obligations; introduction to the law of contract; the formation of a contract; principles and rules concerning valid and binding contracts; breach of contract; remedies on the ground of breach of contract; the transfer and termination of obligations
CLA1502 - Commercial Law 1b
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 12
Pre-Requisite: CLA1501
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to equip students with knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies to analyse and solve basic legal problems relating to specific contracts and other aspects of commercial law in South Africa.
ECS1501 - Economics 1a
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 12
Purpose: To gain insight into how the basic economic problem is solved in different economic systems, how economic activity is measured and how prices are determined through decisions made by individual households and firms under conditions of perfect and imperfect competition.
ECS1601 - Economics 1b
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 6
Credits - 12
Pre-Requisite: ECS1501/ECS101
Purpose: To gain insight into macroeconomic theory and variables such as total production and income of a country, economic growth, unemployment, inflation and the balance of payments.
MAR221U - Marketing Ii
Duration: Year module
NQF Level - 6
Credits - 30
Pre-Requisite: MAR111Y
Purpose: Revision of product, pricing, distribution and marketing communication and an overview of marketing audit, marketing planning, marketing strategies, marketing coordination, marketing control and guidance.
MND204T - Customer Behaviour
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 6
Credits - 12
Pre-Requisite: MNB1501(MNB101D) and MNB1601 (MNB102E)
Purpose: To enable students to gain insight into the customer as key to success in the market, market values which customers seek, determinants of customer behaviour (market characteristics, macro aspects, personal aspects), customer decision making, customer-focussed marketing.
STA1610 - Introduction to Statistics
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 6
Credits - 12
Purpose: To ensure that students are introduced to the most important basic statistical concepts. After completion students should have an informed understanding of different visual descriptions of data, including graphical and tabular techniques; measures of central location, dispersion and association. They should be able to use probability as a tool to create discrete and continuous probability distributions, used extensively in statistical inference; determine confidence intervals and perform hypothesis testing involving sample means and proportions; apply different forms of Chi-square testing; understand simple linear regression and correlation.
Year Three Subjects:
ASP141Y - Advertising and Sales Promotion I
Duration: Year module
NQF Level - 5
Credits - 20
Purpose: The definition of advertising, its place in the marketing process and the concept of mass communication, the organisation and functions of the advertiser's advertising department and the advertising agency, overview of an advertising campaign, situation analysis, objectives and creative strategy, copywriting, art and layout, mechanical production of advertisements, economic, social and ethical issues, legal and voluntary controls, media planning, budgeting, coordinating advertising with other elements of the marketing mix, advertising and media re-search, definition, role and techniques of sales promotion, controlling sales promotion expenditure and measuring results, an introduction to public relations.
MAR332S - Marketing Iii
Duration: Year module
NQF Level - 7
Credits - 30
Pre-Requisite: MAR221U
Purpose: Strategic marketing planning and services marketing.
MNM3025 - Marketing Research
Duration: Semester module
NQF Level - 6
Credits - 12
Pre-Requisite: MND203 or MNM202 or MNM203
Purpose: To enable students to gain insight into the role of marketing research in marketing management; the marketing research process; research design, sampling and data collection; data analysis and reporting; selected application areas of marketing research.
SMN372U - Sales Management Iii
Duration: Year module
NQF Level - 7
Credits - 20
Pre-Requisite: PSS161Z
Purpose: An overview of the personal selling function, sales planning and organization, sales staff, guidance and control of sales staff and evaluation of sales staff.
CLA1501 - Commercial Law 1a | |
CLA1502 - Commercial Law 1b | |
ECS1501 - Economics 1a | |
ECS1601 - Economics 1b | |
MAR221U - Marketing II | |
MND204T - Customer Behaviour | |
STA1610 - Introduction To Statistics |
ASP141Y - Advertising And Sales Promotion I | |
MAR332S - Marketing III | |
MNM3025 - Marketing Research | |
SMN372U - Sales Management III |